
El Coy­ote


El Coy­ote, a true Los An­ge­les land­mark since 1954, has been draw­ing in a col­or­ful crowd of celebri­ties, politi­cians, and An­ge­lenos for decades. The minute you step in­side, you're en­veloped in a com­fort­ably styl­ish at­mos­phere, with its low light­ing, rich wood pan­el­ing, and bustling bar. The restau­rant is renowned for its au­then­tic Mex­i­can fare, boast­ing a menu full of clas­sics like their tempt­ing mar­gar­i­tas and de­li­cious en­chi­ladas. As you in­dulge in the fla­vor­ful dish­es and soak up the at­mos­phere, you're trans­port­ed back to a time when clas­sic Hol­ly­wood al­lure met mod­ern-day charis­ma.

Price point