
El Cha­to


In the col­or­ful Mis­sion dis­trict, El Cha­to is a vi­brant and live­ly Mex­i­can restau­rant with a friend­ly am­biance and a menu brim­ming with au­then­tic Mex­i­can fla­vors. Their dish­es are craft­ed with fresh, lo­cal in­gre­di­ents and fea­ture tra­di­tion­al recipes from through­out Mex­i­co. The at­mos­phere is warm and fes­tive, with col­or­ful dé­cor, live­ly mu­sic, and a friend­ly staff. From the mo­ment you step in­side, you'll be trans­port­ed to the heart of Mex­i­co, where the air is filled with the tan­ta­liz­ing aro­mas of fresh­ly made tor­tillas and siz­zling fa­ji­tas. So come, in­dulge in the vi­brant fla­vors of Mex­i­co and ex­pe­ri­ence the warmth of El Cha­to's wel­com­ing at­mos­phere.
