tourist attraction

Edi­son Trails Park


Edi­son Trails Park, a tran­quil refuge amidst the ur­ban sprawl of Los An­ge­les, beck­ons na­ture en­thu­si­asts to its ver­dant em­brace. Lo­cat­ed in the city's San Fer­nan­do Val­ley, the park boasts a net­work of serene trails that me­an­der through rolling hills and oak wood­lands. As you en­ter its realm, the ca­coph­o­ny of city life fades into a

gen­tle sym­pho­ny of bird­song and rustling leaves. The trails wind their way past sparkling streams and shad­ed groves, of­fer­ing a wel­come respite from the re­lent­less pace of mod­ern life. Whether you seek a leisure­ly stroll, a chal­leng­ing hike, or sim­ply a mo­ment of soli­tude, Edi­son Trails Park pro­vides the per­fect sanc­tu­ary to re­con­nect with na­ture's tran­quil­i­ty.

Opening hours
Monday06:00 - 22:30Tuesday06:00 - 22:30Wednesday06:00 - 22:30Thursday06:00 - 22:30Friday06:00 - 22:30Saturday06:00 - 22:30Sunday06:00 - 22:30