
Eden Walk Shop­ping


Ven­ture to the heart of Kingston upon Thames, where the vi­brant Eden Walk Shop­ping awaits. Step into a realm of re­tail de­lights, from high-street fa­vorites to charm­ing bou­tiques. Im­merse your­self in the eclec­tic at­mos­phere as you browse through an ar­ray of home­ware, fash­ion, ac­ces­sories, and more. Un­cov­er unique trea­sures at in­de­pen­dent stores, or

in­dulge in the lat­est trends at es­tab­lished brands. Whether you seek a styl­ish out­fit, a thought­ful gift, or a cozy home ad­di­tion, Eden Walk Shop­ping caters to every taste and style. Don't miss the invit­ing cafes and restau­rants scat­tered through­out, of­fer­ing a respite for weary shop­pers or a chance to sa­vor de­li­cious treats.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday09:30 - 18:00Tuesday09:30 - 18:00Wednesday09:30 - 18:00Thursday09:30 - 18:00Friday09:30 - 18:00Saturday09:30 - 18:00Sunday11:00 - 17:00