
Don Kilo Gourmet


In­dulge in a de­lec­table piz­za ex­pe­ri­ence at Don Kilo Gourmet, where mouth­wa­ter­ing pies await. With a tempt­ing ar­ray of top­pings, from clas­sic Margheri­ta to ad­ven­tur­ous BBQ chick­en, there's a piz­za to sat­is­fy every crav­ing. Nes­tled in a cozy space, Don Kilo Gourmet of­fers a re­laxed at­mos­phere per­fect for in­ti­mate gath­er­ings. Sa­vor the fla­vors of your ar­ti­sanal piz­za

while en­joy­ing the friend­ly am­biance. Can't make it to the restau­rant? No wor­ries! Don Kilo Gourmet of­fers con­ve­nient take­out and de­liv­ery op­tions, so you can en­joy your fa­vorite piz­zas in the com­fort of your own home. Treat your­self to a de­light­ful culi­nary ex­pe­ri­ence and vis­it Don Kilo Gourmet to­day. Their de­lec­table piz­zas are sure to leave a last­ing im­pres­sion.

Opening hours
Monday13:00 - 16:3019:30 - 23:30Tuesday13:00 - 16:3019:30 - 23:30Wednesday13:00 - 16:3019:30 - 23:30Thursday13:00 - 16:3019:30 - 23:30Friday13:00 - 12:00Saturday13:00 - 12:00Sunday13:00 - 12:00