
Dom's Mad


Delve into the vi­brant heart of Copen­hagen and un­cov­er a culi­nary oa­sis that tan­ta­lizes the sens­es: Dom's Mad. This charm­ing restau­rant, nes­tled amidst cob­ble­stone streets, ex­udes a cozy and invit­ing at­mos­phere. Step in­side and be greet­ed by the warm aro­ma of fresh­ly baked bread and the friend­ly smiles of the staff. Im­merse your­self in a gas­tro­nom­ic jour­ney that show­cas­es the finest Nordic cui­sine,

metic­u­lous­ly craft­ed with lo­cal­ly sourced in­gre­di­ents. In­dulge in de­lec­table dish­es that cel­e­brate the fla­vors of the sea­son, pre­sent­ed with artis­tic flair that de­lights the eye as much as the palate. Let the som­me­li­er guide you through an ex­quis­ite wine list, per­fect­ly com­ple­ment­ing each culi­nary mas­ter­piece. At Dom's Mad, din­ing is not mere­ly a meal; it's an un­for­get­table ex­pe­ri­ence that leaves you crav­ing more.

Opening hours
Tuesday15:00 - 21:00Wednesday15:00 - 21:00Thursday15:00 - 21:00Friday15:00 - 21:00MondayClosedSaturday15:00 - 21:00Sunday15:00 - 21:00