
Domi­no's Piz­za Choisy-le-Roi


Okay, here's a short piece de­scrib­ing Domi­no's Piz­za Choisy-le-Roi: Let's be real - some­times you're crav­ing a fa­mil­iar taste of home, even when ex­plor­ing a new city. Domi­no's on Choisy-le-Roi un­der­stands that urge. This straight­for­ward lo­ca­tion de­liv­ers ex­act­ly what you ex­pect: a clas­sic menu of piz­zas with all the usu­al top­ping choic­es, plus chick­en, bread­sticks, and dessert op­tions to round out your meal. It's a handy choice for a quick and easy din­ner af­ter a long day of sight­see­ing.

Price point