
Dog Ken­nel Hill Ad­ven­ture Play­ground


Be­tween the en­er­gy of Cam­ber­well and Peck­ham, Dog Ken­nel Hill Ad­ven­ture Play­ground pro­vides a wel­come es­cape for kids. The play­ground boasts tow­er­ing wood­en struc­tures, swings reach­ing for the sky, and a sand­pit that draws in young ad­ven­tur­ers like a moth to a flame. Our kids were cap­ti­vat­ed, climb­ing nets and con­quer­ing slides, while we en­joyed a cof­fee and the tran­quil at­mos­phere. The well-main­tained space and ap­proach­able staff cre­ate a wel­com­ing en­vi­ron­ment where chil­dren can freely ex­plore and ex­pend their bound­less en­er­gy.

Opening hours
Monday15:00 - 19:00Tuesday15:00 - 19:00Wednesday15:00 - 19:00Thursday15:00 - 19:00Friday15:00 - 19:00SaturdayClosedSundayClosed