turkish restaurant

Di­yarbakir Sofrasi


Walk­ing into Di­yarbakir Sofrasi is like be­ing wel­comed into some­one's home, with wel­com­ing smiles and the aro­ma of de­li­cious spices greet­ing you at the door. This restau­rant has be­come leg­endary for serv­ing up tru­ly au­then­tic Turk­ish cui­sine. Don't ex­pect dain­ty por­tions here – the dish­es are mas­sive and per­fect for shar­ing (but we won't blame you if you keep it all to your­self!). Their menu is a ta­pes­try of clas­sic Turk­ish recipes, each one more en­tic­ing than the last. For a real taste of Turkey with­out the air­fare, look no fur­ther.

Price point