waxing hair removal service

Di­a­mond Wax Stu­dio


Want smooth, fuzz-free skin while you're ex­plor­ing Bangkok? Di­a­mond Wax Stu­dio should be your first stop. They spe­cial­ize in Brazil­ian wax­ing, us­ing high-qual­i­ty prod­ucts sourced in­ter­na­tion­al­ly for a com­fort­able ex­pe­ri­ence that gets the job done. The stu­dio’s aes­theti­cians are true pro­fes­sion­als, de­tail-ori­ent­ed and skilled at mak­ing the process as pain­less as pos­si­ble. Whether you’re a wax­ing new­bie or a sea­soned reg­u­lar, you’re in good hands here. Plus, achiev­ing that silky smooth skin won’t break the bank, mak­ing Di­a­mond Wax Stu­dio a must-vis­it. Ready to feel con­fi­dent in your own skin? Book your ap­point­ment to­day!

Opening hours
Monday10:30 - 22:00Tuesday10:30 - 22:00Wednesday10:30 - 22:00Thursday10:30 - 22:00Friday10:30 - 22:00Saturday10:30 - 22:00Sunday10:30 - 22:00