
Di­a­log Cafe


On a qui­et street in Ko­re­atown, Di­a­log Cafe is a true find – the kind of place you want to tell your friends about. Step­ping in­side, you're greet­ed by a warm, invit­ing at­mos­phere. The walls, dec­o­rat­ed with col­or­ful art­work, and the soft light­ing cre­ate a cozy, in­ti­mate space that's per­fect for catch­ing up with friends or sim­ply en­joy­ing a qui­et mo­ment alone. The cof­fee is fresh­ly

brewed and de­li­cious, and the se­lec­tion of ar­ti­sanal teas will sat­is­fy any tea lover. And don't even get me start­ed on the pas­tries! From but­tery crois­sants to rich, deca­dent cakes, there's some­thing to tempt every sweet tooth. Di­a­log Cafe is more than just a place to grab a cof­fee and a bite; it's a space where you can re­lax, recharge, and con­nect with oth­ers.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday07:00 - 21:00Tuesday07:00 - 21:00Wednesday07:00 - 21:00Thursday07:00 - 21:00Friday07:00 - 21:00Saturday07:00 - 21:00Sunday07:00 - 20:00