
Det Lille Piz­za Hus


For­get fan­cy, some­times you just crave a good, old-fash­ioned piz­za. When that crav­ing hits in Copen­hagen, look no fur­ther than Det Lille Piz­za­hus. This no-frills pizze­ria has been a lo­cal fa­vorite for years, serv­ing up clas­sic piz­zas with a fo­cus on qual­i­ty in­gre­di­ents and gen­er­ous top­pings. This place is all about sim­ple, de­li­cious food done right. Or­der ahead on­line for a has­sle-free pick­up and take ad­van­tage of their spe­cial dis­counts for di­rect or­ders. Lo­cat­ed at Saltværksvej 78, it's a go-to for a ca­su­al and sat­is­fy­ing piz­za ex­pe­ri­ence.

Opening hours
Monday15:00 - 21:00Tuesday15:00 - 21:00Wednesday15:00 - 21:00Thursday15:00 - 21:00Friday15:00 - 21:00Saturday14:00 - 21:00Sunday14:00 - 21:00