tourist attraction

Det Kon­gelige Teater - Gam­le Scene


Step into the grandeur of Det Kon­gelige Teater - Gam­le Scene in Copen­hagen, a his­toric the­atre dat­ing back to 1748. As you en­ter, you'll be greet­ed by an op­u­lent au­di­to­ri­um, adorned with in­tri­cate ro­co­co de­tails and shim­mer­ing chan­de­liers. The stage, once graced by leg­endary per­form­ers, awaits your ar­rival, invit­ing you to

ex­pe­ri­ence the mag­ic of live per­for­mances. Take a guid­ed tour to delve into the the­atre's rich his­to­ry and peek be­hind the scenes, dis­cov­er­ing hid­den nooks and fas­ci­nat­ing sto­ries. Im­merse your­self in the artistry and grandeur of Det Kon­gelige Teater - Gam­le Scene, a true gem in the heart of Copen­hagen's cul­tur­al scene.
