
Dean Street Town­house


The Dean Street Town­house is more than just a ho­tel; it's a des­ti­na­tion. Sit­u­at­ed in the ever-buzzing Soho, this Geor­gian town­house ex­udes a cap­ti­vat­ing aura of his­to­ry and el­e­gance. We stopped by to try their all-day menu, and the de­li­cious spread of British fa­vorites re­al­ly sat­is­fied. Whether you're look­ing for a re­lax­ing af­ter­noon tea or a well-craft­ed cock­tail, their menu is sure to im­press. It's the kind of place that draws you in with its am­biance and has you plan­ning your next vis­it be­fore you even leave.
