
De San­tis San­ta Croce


Just steps from the Basil­i­ca di San Gio­van­ni in Lat­er­a­no, De San­tis San­ta Croce is a charm­ing bar and pas­tic­ce­ria that cap­tures the essence of Rome. Aro­mas of fresh­ly brewed cof­fee and baked pas­tries wel­come you as you step in­side. Treat your­self to clas­sic cor­net­ti or in­dulge in deca­dent cakes and tarts. For a sat­is­fy­ing bite, their lunch menu of­fers tra­di­tion­al Ital­ian dish­es made with

fresh, sea­son­al in­gre­di­ents, in­clud­ing tempt­ing pas­ta dish­es, sal­ads, and sand­wich­es, each craft­ed with care. As the day fades, De San­tis trans­forms into a live­ly aper­i­ti­vo spot. En­joy ex­pert­ly made cock­tails or ex­plore their ex­ten­sive wine list while sa­vor­ing de­li­cious snacks and small bites. De San­tis San­ta Croce promis­es an au­then­tic Ro­man ex­pe­ri­ence, whether you're look­ing for a quick break­fast, a leisure­ly lunch, or a cozy aper­i­ti­vo.

Price point