
Dar­lin' Dar­lin' Mu­sic Lounge


Ph­nom Pen­h's af­ter-dark scene has a fresh vibe thanks to Dar­lin' Dar­lin' Mu­sic Lounge. This pop­u­lar spot draws a fash­ion­able crowd look­ing for a good time. The am­biance is sleek and alive with con­ta­gious ex­cite­ment. As the night pro­gress­es, a ro­tat­ing ros­ter of DJs and live mu­sic trans­forms the venue into a high-en­er­gy dance floor. Drinks flow freely, es­pe­cial­ly dur­ing their en­tic­ing hap­py hour spe­cials, guar­an­tee­ing a live­ly and en­joy­able ex­pe­ri­ence. Dar­lin' Dar­lin' in­spires you to let loose, so pre­pare for an evening that de­fies ex­pec­ta­tions.

Opening hours
Sunday19:00 - 03:00Monday19:00 - 03:00Tuesday19:00 - 03:00Wednesday19:00 - 03:00Thursday19:00 - 03:00Friday19:00 - 03:00Saturday19:00 - 03:00