
Dak­sh­in's Restau­rant


Step into Dak­sh­in's, a haven of au­then­tic South In­di­an fla­vors nes­tled in Siem Reap. The invit­ing am­biance wel­comes you with vi­brant col­ors and aro­mat­ic spices. The menu is a sym­pho­ny of clas­sic dish­es, each pre­pared with metic­u­lous care us­ing tra­di­tion­al tech­niques. From the fiery heat of the Chet­ti­nad Chick­en to the creamy rich­ness of the Pa­neer But­ter Masala, every bite trans­ports you to the vi­brant streets of South In­dia. The staff's warm hos­pi­tal­i­ty and the sooth­ing sound of Car­nat­ic mu­sic cre­ate an un­for­get­table din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence that will leave you crav­ing for more.

Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 14:3017:00 - 22:30Tuesday10:00 - 14:3017:00 - 22:30Wednesday10:00 - 14:3017:00 - 22:30Thursday10:00 - 14:3017:00 - 22:30Friday10:00 - 14:3017:00 - 22:30Saturday10:00 - 14:3017:00 - 22:30Sunday10:00 - 14:3017:00 - 22:30