
Grand Palace Restau­rang


A trip to Stock­holm's Sö­der­malm dis­trict leads you to Dai Restau­rang, a culi­nary es­cape trans­port­ing you to the bustling streets of Viet­nam. The restau­ran­t's am­biance is tru­ly au­then­tic, adorned with tra­di­tion­al decor, and im­me­di­ate­ly en­gages you with the aro­mas of fresh herbs and the sym­pho­ny of siz­zling woks. Dive into bowls of steam­ing pho, a de­light­ful fu­sion of rice noo­dles and grilled meats. Ex­pe­ri­ence the ex­quis­ite bal­ance of banh xeo, crispy turmer­ic pan­cakes, each bite a tes­ta­ment to

the culi­nary artistry. Every dish at Dai Restau­rang is craft­ed with the finest in­gre­di­ents and an eye for pre­sen­ta­tion. This is more than a din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence; it's a jour­ney into the heart of Viet­namese cui­sine, where fla­vors en­tice and tra­di­tions thrive. The chef's pas­sion res­onates in every of­fer­ing, while the at­mos­phere re­flects the en­er­gy of Viet­nam's vi­brant streets. Whether a sea­soned food­ie or seek­ing an au­then­tic culi­nary ad­ven­ture, Dai Restau­rang promis­es a mem­o­rable ex­plo­ration for your taste buds.

Opening hours
Monday16:00 - 21:00Tuesday16:00 - 21:00Wednesday16:00 - 21:00Thursday16:00 - 21:00Friday16:00 - 21:00Saturday16:00 - 21:00Sunday16:00 - 21:00