
Cur­ry Dream


Crav­ing a prop­er cur­ry in Stock­holm? Look no fur­ther than Cur­ry Dream. This place is a god­send for any­one who loves the in­tox­i­cat­ing aro­mas and bold fla­vors of In­di­an cui­sine. We’re talk­ing au­then­tic dish­es burst­ing with fresh herbs and spices, each bite a de­li­cious jour­ney for your taste­buds. Whether you’re a die-hard vin­daloo fan or pre­fer a milder ko­r­ma, their ex­ten­sive menu caters to all spice lev­els and pref­er­ences. Hon­est­ly, af­ter a long day of sight­see­ing, we can't think of any­thing bet­ter than dig­ging into a steam­ing bowl of their fla­vor­ful cur­ry. Don't miss out!

Price point
Opening hours
Sunday13:00 - 22:00Monday11:00 - 22:00Tuesday11:00 - 22:00Wednesday11:00 - 22:00Thursday11:00 - 22:00Friday11:00 - 22:00Saturday13:00 - 22:00