tourist attraction

Crys­tal Springs Pic­nic Area


Es­cape to Crys­tal Springs Pic­nic Area, a se­clud­ed oa­sis nes­tled with­in the An­ge­les Na­tion­al For­est. Im­merse your­self in the tran­quil­i­ty of tow­er­ing trees and the gen­tle mur­mur of Crys­tal Springs Creek. Pack a pic­nic bas­ket and sa­vor a leisure­ly meal at one of the many ta­bles scat­tered through­out the area. Fire up the grills for a bar­be­cue, sur­round­ed by the fresh moun­tain air. The pic­nic area also boasts re­strooms for added con­ve­nience. Crys­tal Springs is the per­fect re­treat for a day trip or week­end get­away, of­fer­ing a serene es­cape from the ur­ban jun­gle of Los An­ge­les.

Opening hours
Saturday05:00 - 22:30Sunday05:00 - 22:30Monday05:00 - 22:30Tuesday05:00 - 22:30Wednesday05:00 - 22:30Thursday05:00 - 22:30Friday05:00 - 22:30