
Crispy Piz­za Bistro - Kvarn­hol­men


For­get sog­gy crusts at Crispy Piz­za Bistro on Kvarn­hol­men! They serve up pies with a sat­is­fy­ing­ly thin and crispy base, each one unique­ly de­li­cious – se­ri­ous­ly, try stop­ping at one slice. And hold on, there's more! They've got these in­cred­i­ble burg­ers, fla­vor­ful flat­breads, and wings you'll be lick­ing off your fin­gers. Every­thing's pre­pared with ob­vi­ous care and a ded­i­ca­tion to good in­gre­di­ents, which makes this bistro a must-try for any food­ie ex­plor­ing Stock­holm.

Opening hours
Monday16:00 - 21:00Tuesday16:00 - 21:00Wednesday16:00 - 21:00Thursday16:00 - 21:00Friday16:00 - 21:00Saturday00:00 - 21:00Sunday00:00 - 21:00