
Cosy Cock­tail Bar


Look­ing for a cool spot to un­wind af­ter a busy day ex­plor­ing Lon­don or just be­fore catch­ing your train? Check out this charm­ing cock­tail bar in Somers Town. Just a stone's throw from Eu­ston, King’s Cross, and St Pan­cras Train Sta­tion, it's the per­fect place to es­cape the city buzz. Head down­stairs to their styl­ish lounge and treat your­self to one of their in­no­v­a­tive cock­tails, per­fect­ly paired with de­li­cious tapas. With its in­ti­mate am­biance and tempt­ing menu, this lit­tle gem is a must-vis­it for any­one who ap­pre­ci­ates great drinks and a re­laxed at­mos­phere.

Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesday17:00 - 01:00Wednesday17:00 - 01:00Thursday17:00 - 02:00Friday17:00 - 02:00Saturday17:00 - 02:00SundayClosed