coffee shop

Cos­ta Cof­fee


Walk­ing around Lon­don is ex­hil­a­rat­ing, but every­one needs a break now and again. We stum­bled upon a Cos­ta Cof­fee just as our en­er­gy start­ed to dip. It's not a hip cafe by any stretch, but some­times you just want that com­fort­able, fa­mil­iar feel­ing – and a sol­id dose of caf­feine. We were pleas­ant­ly sur­prised by the lat­te art; those warm drinks

were a life­saver on Lon­don's brisk morn­ings. And when the weath­er warms up, their iced cof­fees re­al­ly do the trick. If you find your­self feel­ing peck­ish, their pas­tries and sand­wich­es, while straight­for­ward, al­ways hit the spot. With Cos­ta Cof­fees con­ve­nient­ly lo­cat­ed through­out the city, a quick cof­fee and snack are nev­er out of reach dur­ing a busy day of ex­plor­ing.

Price point
Opening hours
Sunday09:30 - 17:00Monday07:00 - 19:00Tuesday07:00 - 19:00Wednesday07:00 - 19:00Thursday07:00 - 19:00Friday07:00 - 19:00Saturday07:00 - 19:00