
Cor­sa Piz­za Nord­havn


Cor­sa Piz­za in Nord­havn el­e­vates the sim­ple plea­sure of piz­za into a culi­nary ex­pe­ri­ence. Their sour­dough base, the foun­da­tion of every great pie, is craft­ed with a pas­sion for slow fer­men­ta­tion, lend­ing a unique depth of fla­vor. Top­pings are treat­ed with equal care, show­cas­ing a ded­i­ca­tion to or­gan­ic in­gre­di­ents sourced di­rect­ly from Italy and Den­mark. The re­sult is a sym­pho­ny of fresh, vi­brant fla­vors, best en­joyed with friends in Cor­sa's live­ly, mod­ern set­ting.

Opening hours
Monday17:00 - 23:00Tuesday17:00 - 23:00Wednesday17:00 - 23:00Thursday17:00 - 23:00Friday17:00 - 23:00Saturday17:00 - 23:00Sunday17:00 - 23:00