
Cool Run­nings - Jerk Cen­tre


Nes­tled in the heart of Brix­ton, the Cool Run­nings - Jerk Cen­tre is a vi­brant hub of au­then­tic Ja­maican cui­sine. As you ap­proach, the tan­ta­liz­ing aro­mas of jerk chick­en and ac­k­ee and salt­fish waft through the air, promis­ing a culi­nary ad­ven­ture. Step­ping in­side, you'll find a live­ly and wel­com­ing at­mos­phere with col­or­ful art­work adorn­ing the walls. The menu boasts an ar­ray of tra­di­tion­al dish­es cooked to per­fec­tion, from ten­der jerk meats to spicy cur­ries, all in­fused with the vi­brant fla­vors of the Caribbean is­lands. Whether you're a sea­soned food­ie or a first-timer, the friend­ly staff will guide you through their culi­nary of­fer­ings, en­sur­ing an un­for­get­table din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. The suc­cu­lent jerk chick­en, smoky yet ten­der, is a must-try, ac­com­pa­nied by the per­fect com­bi­na­tion of sweet and spicy sauces. Don't miss the chance to in­dulge in the vi­brant fla­vors of Cool Run­nings, a hid­den gem in the bustling streets of Brix­ton.

Price point