
Col­lage Art & Cock­tail So­cial Club


Col­lage Cock­tail Bar is far from or­di­nary. It's a place where art and mixol­o­gy come to­geth­er, cre­at­ing a unique ex­pe­ri­ence that's both en­gag­ing and de­li­cious. The bar draws a di­verse crowd – rum afi­ciona­dos, cock­tail lovers, and any­one seek­ing a mem­o­rable night out. Step­ping in­side, you're in­stant­ly greet­ed by a tan­gi­ble buzz. Strik­ing art­work adorns every sur­face, trans­form­ing the bar into an im­mer­sive art ex­hib­it. As you sa­vor ex­pert­ly craft­ed cock­tails, the col­or­ful at­mos­phere en­cour­ages con­ver­sa­tion and in­vig­o­rates the sens­es. Col­lage is more than just a bar; it's a sen­so­ry de­light where imag­i­na­tion flour­ish­es along­side the drinks.

Price point