turkish restaurant



Crav­ing some­thing sa­vory and au­then­ti­cal­ly Turk­ish in Stock­holm? Al­low us to let you in on a lit­tle se­cret: Çok. This gem, dis­cov­ered dur­ing our re­cent city ex­plo­rations, had us at the aro­ma of fresh­ly baked bread and sea­soned veal siz­zling to per­fec­tion. In­side, tra­di­tion­al Turk­ish dön­er is craft­ed with care and ex­plodes with fla­vor. We could­n't re­sist en­joy­ing ours right then and there, each mouth­ful a de­li­cious tes­ta­ment to Çok's ded­i­ca­tion to us­ing sim­ple, fresh in­gre­di­ents. Head over to Horns­bergs Strand 53 – your taste­buds will be singing your prais­es.

Price point