
Cognoscen­ti Cof­fee


Cognoscen­ti Cof­fee is­n't just an­oth­er cof­fee shop in Los An­ge­les. It's an ex­pe­ri­ence for true cof­fee lovers. As soon as you walk in, you can tell they take their cof­fee se­ri­ous­ly. They roast their beans in-house, fo­cus­ing on sin­gle-ori­gin va­ri­eties that high­light the unique fla­vors from around the world. Whether you're a

cof­fee afi­ciona­do or just look­ing for a great cup, their knowl­edge­able baris­tas can guide you to the per­fect brew. And if you're hooked on their roasts (we were!), you can pur­chase bags to en­joy at home. For a real taste of LA's spe­cial­ty cof­fee scene, Cognoscen­ti Cof­fee should be on your must-vis­it list.
