korean restaurant

coco and bibi


For­get trekking across Lon­don for au­then­tic Ko­re­an; Coco and Bibi de­liv­er a prop­er culi­nary ad­ven­ture. Their fried chick­en? For­get sog­gy; we're talk­ing crispy, juicy per­fec­tion. And the bibim­bap bursts with fla­vor, a rain­bow of fresh in­gre­di­ents we hap­pi­ly mixed into a taste ex­plo­sion. This place is se­ri­ous about their Ko­re­an cook­ing, and it shows in every de­li­cious bite. You'll leave plan­ning your next vis­it, guar­an­teed.
