shopping mall

Cluny Court


Nes­tled in the heart of Sin­ga­pore's vi­brant Or­chard Road, Cluny Court un­veils an en­chant­i­ng sanc­tu­ary. Step into a world of tran­quil­i­ty as you wan­der through its charm­ing court­yard adorned with lush green­ery and cas­cad­ing foun­tains. This haven of­fers a de­light­ful es­cape from the bustling city, invit­ing you to pause and sa­vor the mo­ment. Sur­round­ing the court­yard,

a col­lec­tion of taste­ful­ly cu­rat­ed bou­tiques and cafes beck­ons you to ex­plore. From ex­quis­ite jew­el­ry and home­ware to ar­ti­sanal pas­tries and fra­grant cof­fee, Cluny Court's of­fer­ings cater to every dis­cern­ing taste. As you stroll through the cob­bled paths, the melo­di­ous sound of live mu­sic fills the air, cre­at­ing an am­biance that's both sooth­ing and in­spir­ing.

Price point