
Club­house Cafe


Crav­ing a good cup of cof­fee and a bite to eat in Lon­don? Look no fur­ther than Club­house Cafe. Their mis­sion is sim­ple: de­liv­er high-qual­i­ty food and drinks in a re­laxed en­vi­ron­ment. And they ab­solute­ly nail it! The menu boasts a de­li­cious ar­ray of pas­tries, sand­wich­es, soups and sal­ads – per­fect for

a quick lunch or a leisure­ly af­ter­noon treat. But the real stars are the ex­pert­ly brewed cof­fees and teas. Grab a ta­ble, sa­vor the fla­vors and en­joy a mo­ment of calm amidst the city buzz. You'll quick­ly see why Club­house Cafe is a fa­vorite among lo­cals and trav­el­ers alike.

Opening hours
Monday08:00 - 16:00Tuesday08:00 - 16:00Wednesday08:00 - 16:00Thursday08:00 - 16:00Friday08:00 - 16:00Saturday08:00 - 16:00Sunday08:00 - 16:00