coffee shop

Clar­ni­co Club


Clar­idge's Club in May­fair beck­ons with an air of time­less el­e­gance. Step in­side this ex­clu­sive re­treat for dis­cern­ing mem­bers and en­counter a so­phis­ti­cat­ed am­biance, adorned with plush fur­nish­ings and gleam­ing chan­de­liers. A sanc­tu­ary for those seek­ing fine din­ing, cock­tails, and live­ly con­ver­sa­tions. Pre­pared with pre­ci­sion and flair, the menu se­lec­tions will tan­ta­lize your taste buds. As you sa­vor each bite and sip, you'll be en­veloped in the club's rich his­to­ry and im­pec­ca­ble ser­vice, mak­ing for a tru­ly un­for­get­table ex­pe­ri­ence.

Opening hours
Wednesday07:30 - 16:00Thursday07:30 - 16:00Friday07:30 - 16:00SaturdayClosedSundayClosedMonday07:30 - 16:00Tuesday07:30 - 16:00