thai restaurant

Chow Thai Restau­rang


Okay, here's a draft de­scrib­ing Chow Thai: We stum­bled upon Chow Thai Restau­rang while ex­plor­ing Stock­holm and were im­me­di­ate­ly drawn in by the en­tic­ing aro­mas waft­ing from its doors. This unas­sum­ing spot serves up some of the most fla­vor­ful and au­then­tic Thai food we've had out­side of Thai­land. The menu fea­tures all the clas­sics,

but we high­ly rec­om­mend ven­tur­ing be­yond the Pad Thai (though it's de­li­cious too!). The friend­ly staff is hap­py to guide you through their fa­vorite dish­es and spice lev­els. The am­biance is cozy and invit­ing, mak­ing it per­fect for a ca­su­al lunch or a sat­is­fy­ing din­ner af­ter a long day of sight­see­ing.

Opening hours
Monday11:00 - 21:00Tuesday11:00 - 21:00Wednesday11:00 - 21:00Thursday11:00 - 21:00Friday11:00 - 21:00Saturday00:00 - 21:00Sunday00:00 - 21:00