
:CHOCOOLATE The Sun Ar­cade


Walk­ing into :CHOCO­LATE feels like step­ping into a per­fect­ly cu­rat­ed mood board. The store it­self has a cool, min­i­mal­ist vibe, let­ting the clothes speak for them­selves. And speak­ing of the clothes, :CHOCO­LATE def­i­nite­ly has a dis­tinct style – think ef­fort­less­ly cool pieces that can be dressed up or down. It's clear they don't com­pro­mise on qual­i­ty ei­ther; you can feel it in the fab­rics and see it in the at­ten­tion to de­tail. It's the kind of place where you can find some­thing unique with­out break­ing the bank, which is al­ways a win in my book. If you're look­ing for a wardrobe re­fresh with a touch of un­der­stat­ed chic, :CHOCO­LATE should be on your list.
