art gallery

Chisen­hale Gallery


The Chisen­hale Gallery was cre­at­ed by artists and has main­tained its ex­per­i­men­tal vi­sion and spir­it, trans­form­ing a va­cant ve­neer fac­to­ry and brew­ery into an art gallery. The gallery sup­ports in­ter­na­tion­al and UK-based artists in pur­su­ing new di­rec­tions in their prac­tice by com­mis­sion­ing and pro­duc­ing con­tem­po­rary art. Its goal is to pro­vide au­di­ences with ac­cess to an ever-ex­pand­ing artist com­mu­ni­ty by show­cas­ing their work. For 38 years, the gallery has been at the fore­front of in­no­v­a­tive art in Lon­don, iden­ti­fy­ing new artis­tic tal­ent. The gallery works with artists for one to two years to de­vel­op their ideas from con­cept to com­ple­tion. It is lo­cat­ed in the heart of Lon­don's East End, a cul­tur­al­ly di­verse and cre­ative res­i­den­tial area, and hous­es the Chisen­hale Dance Space and Chisen­hale Stu­dios. The gallery has a di­verse his­to­ry of ex­hi­bi­tions, from solo pre­sen­ta­tions by Chisen­hale Stu­dios artists to in­flu­en­tial group shows such as Yel­low Per­il: New World Asians and Es­sen­tial Black Art. It has pro­duced the first solo ex­hi­bi­tions in the UK for no­table artists such as Lubaina Himid, Rachel Whiteread, Cor­nelia

Park­er, and Wolf­gang Till­mans. The gallery has com­mis­sioned ma­jor new works from artists such as Faisal Abdu’Al­lah and David Ad­jaye, Anthea Hamil­ton, Hito Stey­erl, Lynette Yi­adom-Boakye, Ed Atkins, He­len Marten, and Camille Hen­rot. Re­cent­ly, Lawrence Abu Ham­dan, Ima-Abasi Okon, and Im­ran Per­ret­ta pro­duced crit­i­cal­ly ac­claimed com­mis­sions. The gallery's 2020-21 pro­gramme in­cludes ex­hi­bi­tions by Thao Nguyen Phan, Yu Ji, Ab­bas Akha­van, and Rindon John­son ad­dress­ing ur­gent is­sues re­lat­ed to our nat­ur­al and built en­vi­ron­ments and chang­ing po­lit­i­cal cli­mates. The gallery aims to sup­port com­mu­ni­ty-based or­ga­ni­za­tions and sus­tain re­la­tion­ships with on­go­ing projects and col­lab­o­ra­tions. Chisen­hale Gallery is a reg­is­tered char­i­ty and part of Arts Coun­cil Eng­land's Na­tion­al Port­fo­lio. All of its artis­tic pro­grams are fund­ed through trusts, foun­da­tions, and in­di­vid­u­als, and ad­mis­sion to all ex­hi­bi­tions is free. The gallery is ac­ces­si­ble by tube, bus, and car, and is wheel­chair ac­ces­si­ble. To learn more about the gallery, its cur­rent and fu­ture pro­grams, vis­it their Com­mis­sions page, and for in­for­ma­tion about past pro­grams, vis­it their Archive. To sup­port the Chisen­hale Gallery and its mis­sion, vis­it their Sup­port page to find ways to con­tribute.
