
Chick­en Street


Skip the fan­cy Parisian bistros for a night and grab a de­li­cious, has­sle-free meal at Chick­en Street. This place is all about sat­is­fy­ing your crav­ings with­out break­ing the bank. Or­der ahead or just walk in – they've got you cov­ered. Whether you're crav­ing a quick bite now or want to plan din­ner for lat­er, Chick­en Street is your go-to for tasty food, friend­ly ser­vice, and prices that won't have you emp­ty­ing your wal­let. It's the per­fect so­lu­tion for a ca­su­al, tasty, and bud­get-friend­ly Parisian din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence.
