
Chichen Itza


Step­ping in­side Chichen Itza Restau­rant is a treat for the sens­es. This unas­sum­ing Mex­i­can counter-serve is a fa­vorite among those in the know, cel­e­brat­ed for its au­then­tic co­chini­ta pi­bil and oth­er Yu­cate­cán spe­cial­ties. The mo­ment you walk in, the rich scent of slow-roast­ed pork wash­es over you, while the vi­brant hues of clas­sic Mex­i­can dish­es fur­ther en­tice. Be­yond the famed co­chini­ta pi­bil—achiote-mar­i­nat­ed pork, best en­joyed

on soft tor­tillas with pick­led onions and fiery ha­banero sal­sa—the menu is a true love let­ter to Yu­cate­cán cui­sine. You'll find oth­er re­gion­al fa­vorites like panu­chos and sal­butes, all in­cred­i­bly tempt­ing. For a taste of Yu­cate­cán with­out break­ing the bank, look no fur­ther. Chichen Itza de­liv­ers both gen­er­ous por­tions and au­then­tic fla­vors, mak­ing it a must-vis­it whether you're a lo­cal or just pass­ing through.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday09:00 - 21:00Tuesday09:00 - 21:00Wednesday09:00 - 21:00Thursday09:00 - 21:00Friday09:00 - 21:00Saturday09:00 - 21:00Sunday09:00 - 21:00