meal takeaway

Chez Françoise


Walk­ing into Chez Françoise, a Parisian in­sti­tu­tion since 1949, is like step­ping back in time. Lo­cat­ed in the 7th ar­rondisse­ment, this charm­ing eatery is­n't con­cerned with the lat­est culi­nary fads. In­stead, it fo­cus­es on de­liv­er­ing the gen­uine fla­vors of French cook­ing. Pic­ture juicy steaks cooked ex­act­ly how you like them, es­car­gots swim­ming in gar­lic but­ter, and deca­dent, soul-sooth­ing sweets. It's no won­der this place is con­stant­ly bustling with both lo­cals and tourists - every­one wants a bite of the real deal. Come hun­gry and ex­pe­ri­ence the time­less ap­peal of tra­di­tion at Chez Françoise.

Price point