
Chewie's Bar


Trav­el­ing with your four-legged friend in Stock­holm? Chewie's Bar is a must-vis­it! This dog-friend­ly gem wel­comes you and your pup for a re­lax­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. The easy­go­ing vibe makes it the per­fect spot to un­wind af­ter a day of sight­see­ing. While you pe­ruse their im­pres­sive nat­ur­al wine se­lec­tion, your fur­ry com­pan­ion can in­dulge in treats from their very own menu. With craft beers and ciders also on of­fer, Chewie's has some­thing for every­one. Add this unique bar to your Stock­holm itin­er­ary – you won't re­gret it!

Price point
Opening hours
Tuesday16:00 - 23:00Wednesday16:00 - 23:00Thursday16:00 - 23:00Friday15:00 - 23:00Saturday15:00 - 23:00