Chef's Hats


Chef's Hats is a must-try for any­one look­ing for de­li­cious West­ern food in Sin­ga­pore. Their menu has some­thing for every­one, with tempt­ing pas­ta dish­es, per­fect­ly cooked steaks, and a va­ri­ety of oth­er West­ern fa­vorites. You can tell the chef cares about qual­i­ty from the first bite, us­ing the fresh­est in­gre­di­ents to cre­ate an ex­plo­sion of fla­vors. The at­mos­phere at

Chef's Hats strikes a bal­ance be­tween wel­com­ing and re­fined, mak­ing it per­fect for a ro­man­tic evening, a fam­i­ly get-to­geth­er, or a ca­su­al meal with friends. The ser­vice is friend­ly and at­ten­tive, en­sur­ing a tru­ly mem­o­rable din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. Whether you're a se­ri­ous food­ie or just crav­ing some West­ern com­fort food, Chef's Hats guar­an­tees a de­li­cious ad­ven­ture for your palate.

Price point
Opening hours
Saturday10:00 - 22:00Sunday10:00 - 22:00MondayClosedTuesday11:30 - 22:00Wednesday11:30 - 22:00Thursday16:30 - 22:00Friday11:30 - 22:00