cosmetics store

Char­lotte Tilbury


In the heart of the glam­orous Dubai Mall, Char­lotte Tilbury's flag­ship bou­tique cap­ti­vates with its chic and op­u­lent am­bi­ence. Adorned with sparkling chan­de­liers and plush vel­vet cur­tains, the space evokes a sense of Hol­ly­wood glam­our. Upon en­ter­ing, you'll be greet­ed by friend­ly beau­ty ex­perts ea­ger to guide you through the brand's icon­ic col­lec­tion. From the dreamy Glow­gasm blush to the mes­mer­iz­ing Pil­low Talk lip­stick, each prod­uct is pre­sent­ed with metic­u­lous pre­ci­sion. The bou­tique of­fers a full suite of beau­ty ser­vices, in­clud­ing make­up mas­ter­class­es and per­son­al­ized con­sul­ta­tions. As you re­lax in the com­fort­able seat­ing area, sip on a com­pli­men­ta­ry bev­er­age and let the ex­perts work their mag­ic, trans­form­ing you into a ra­di­ant ver­sion of your­self.

Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 23:00Tuesday10:00 - 23:00Wednesday10:00 - 23:00Thursday10:00 - 12:00Friday10:00 - 12:00Saturday10:00 - 12:00Sunday10:00 - 23:00