
Char­coal Tan­door Grill & Mixol­o­gy


Bangkok's food scene thrums with a fre­net­ic en­er­gy, but Char­coal Tan­door Grill & Mixol­o­gy sets it­self apart with its own fiery charm. The open kitchen im­me­di­ate­ly cap­tures your at­ten­tion as you en­ter, the chefs mov­ing with prac­ticed grace around the blaz­ing tan­door – a cap­ti­vat­ing per­for­mance of culi­nary artistry. And the aro­mas? Let's just say, come hun­gry. Their cre­ativ­i­ty is­n't

lim­it­ed to the food menu. The cock­tail list is bold and ad­ven­tur­ous, the mixol­o­gists demon­strat­ing a true tal­ent for craft­ing drinks that el­e­vate each bite. Whether you crave the fa­mil­iar com­fort of tra­di­tion­al In­di­an cui­sine or a dar­ing ad­ven­ture for your taste buds, Char­coal Tan­door de­liv­ers. The restau­ran­t's sleek de­sign and wel­com­ing am­biance cre­ate the per­fect set­ting for a spe­cial night out.
