
Cha­peau Pal­ma


Pal­ma de Mal­lor­ca's Cha­peau 1987 in­tro­duces its new "NOLTROS" menu, a culi­nary jour­ney through the heart of Spain. The vi­brant fla­vors and au­then­tic recipes trans­port din­ers to a realm of culi­nary de­lights, where every dish tells a sto­ry of tra­di­tion and pas­sion. From clas­sic tapas to in­no­v­a­tive cre­ations, the menu show­cas­es the best of Span­ish cui­sine, invit­ing guests to sa­vor the essence of this vi­brant re­gion.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday19:00 - 03:00Tuesday18:30 - 02:30Wednesday18:30 - 02:30Thursday18:30 - 02:30Friday18:00 - 03:00Saturday18:00 - 03:00Sunday18:30 - 02:30