
Cen­tre Court Shop­ping Cen­tre


Cen­tre Court Shop­ping Cen­tre in the Wim­ble­don Quar­ter is more than just your av­er­age shop­ping mall – it's a buzzing hub of ac­tiv­i­ty and a true des­ti­na­tion in it­self. Imag­ine this: you've just crushed your fit­ness goals at the top-notch gym and now you're spoiled for choice with a va­ri­ety of tempt­ing eater­ies. From grab­bing a quick cof­fee to en­joy­ing a leisure­ly lunch, Cen­tre Court has you cov­ered. And if you need to get some work done, the mod­ern of­fice spaces pro­vide a con­ve­nient and styl­ish set­ting.

Price point
Opening hours
Tuesday06:00 - 12:00Monday06:00 - 12:00Wednesday06:00 - 12:00Thursday06:00 - 12:00Friday06:00 - 12:00Saturday06:00 - 12:00Sunday06:00 - 12:00