


Step­ping into Cen­tral­badet felt like dis­cov­er­ing a hid­den sanc­tu­ary, a world away from the live­ly en­er­gy of near­by Drot­tning­gatan. The build­ing it­self is a seam­less blend of his­toric grandeur and sleek, con­tem­po­rary style. We in­dulged in a few of the spa's restora­tive treat­ments, find­ing re­lief for sore mus­cles with a ex­pert­ly de­liv­ered deep tis­sue mas­sage. An en­er­giz­ing

yoga class in their spa­cious stu­dio pro­vid­ed the per­fect bal­ance of move­ment and tran­quil­i­ty. The high­light, how­ev­er, was an af­ter­noon spent in the op­u­lent bathing area. Boast­ing an ar­ray of saunas, steam rooms, and a brac­ing cold plunge pool, Cen­tral­badet de­liv­ered the ul­ti­mate es­cape. We emerged feel­ing com­plete­ly re­newed and ready to ex­plore more of Stock­holm.

Opening hours
Monday07:00 - 20:30Tuesday07:00 - 20:30Wednesday07:00 - 20:30Thursday07:00 - 20:30Sunday09:00 - 17:30Friday07:00 - 20:30Saturday09:00 - 18:30