nature preserve

Cen­tral Catch­ment Park Con­nec­tor


Es­cape the ur­ban bus­tle and ven­ture into the heart of Sin­ga­pore's green lung, the Cen­tral Catch­ment Park Con­nec­tor. This ver­dant trail winds its way through the lush rain­for­est, of­fer­ing a serene es­cape amidst the tow­er­ing trees and vi­brant flo­ra. Keep an eye out for play­ful long-tailed macaques swing­ing through the canopy and lis­ten to the sym­pho­ny of

bird­song that fills the air. The well-main­tained paths make it a per­fect spot for a leisure­ly stroll, a in­vig­o­rat­ing jog, or a fam­i­ly cy­cling ad­ven­ture. With its tran­quil at­mos­phere and abun­dance of nat­ur­al beau­ty, the Cen­tral Catch­ment Park Con­nec­tor is a must-vis­it for na­ture en­thu­si­asts and those seek­ing a mo­ment of respite from the city's pace.
