tourist attraction

Cat­e­dral-Basíli­ca de San­ta María de Mal­lor­ca


Pal­ma de Mal­lor­ca's Cathe­dral com­mands at­ten­tion with its im­pos­ing pres­ence and elab­o­rate Goth­ic de­sign. Spend­ing time out­side, we soaked in its mag­nif­i­cence be­fore ven­tur­ing in­side. The stained-glass win­dows im­me­di­ate­ly mes­mer­ized us, with sun­light stream­ing through and trans­form­ing the space with a col­or­ful, ethe­re­al glow. Every nook and cran­ny re­vealed stun­ning, com­plex artistry – a tes­ta­ment to the builder­s' skill. Yet,

this cathe­dral is more than just aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing. It pos­sess­es a tan­gi­ble sense of the past. You feel as though the very stones could whis­per sto­ries of times gone by. And the view from the rooftop ter­race? Sim­ply awe-in­spir­ing. Pic­ture Pal­ma and the sparkling Mediter­ranean Sea stretched out be­fore you – a tru­ly re­mark­able sight. This ar­chi­tec­tur­al gem is a must-see!

Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 15:15Tuesday10:00 - 15:15Wednesday10:00 - 15:15Thursday10:00 - 15:15Friday10:00 - 15:15Saturday10:00 - 14:15SundayClosed