


That mo­ment when you re­al­ize "cat­a­lyst" ap­plies to way more than just your morn­ing cof­fee! This spot takes its name se­ri­ous­ly – it's a place where ideas seem to per­co­late as quick­ly as their espres­so. With a menu as in­ven­tive as its name­sake, Cat­a­lyst is­n't your av­er­age Lon­don cafe. They've trad­ed pre­dictable for in­spired, craft­ing unique fla­vor

com­bi­na­tions that are as in­trigu­ing to the palate as they are to the eye. Hon­est­ly, the en­er­gy here is con­ta­gious – a mix of fo­cused cre­atives and caf­feine en­thu­si­asts all buzzing with the same en­er­gy. Next time you're in Lon­don and need a boost, skip the usu­al and let Cat­a­lyst re­de­fine your cof­fee break.

Price point