wedding venue

Cas­tle Gar­den in Ul­riks­dal


The Cas­tle Gar­den at Ul­riks­dal is a green oa­sis just out­side Stock­holm. Walk­ing through its im­mac­u­late­ly kept lawns and flowerbeds is like step­ping into a liv­ing ta­pes­try of col­or. The el­e­gant Baroque palace stands at the gar­den's edge, its state­ly fa­cade mir­rored in the calm wa­ters of the Ul­riks­dal Canal. In­side the Or­angery, ex­ot­ic plants soak up the sun, while the near­by

Kitchen Gar­den pro­vides fresh pro­duce. For a mo­ment of tran­quil­i­ty, lose your­self in the fra­grant beau­ty of the Rose Gar­den, or find your zen in the Japan­ese Gar­den, a serene space de­signed in the tra­di­tion­al style of Japan. This gar­den is a true re­treat for any­one who ap­pre­ci­ates na­ture, his­to­ry, and peace­ful sur­round­ings, and its beau­ty will stay with you long af­ter you leave.

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