


Casse-Croûte, sit­u­at­ed on Bermond­sey Street, is a lit­tle slice of France in the heart of Lon­don. This charm­ing eatery draws you in with the tan­ta­liz­ing smells of tra­di­tion­al French cook­ing, promis­ing a de­li­cious es­cape from the every­day. Whether you're af­ter a re­laxed mid­day meal or a ful­fill­ing evening din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, Casse-Croûte

is ready to wel­come you. Their kitchen, serv­ing up clas­sic French com­fort food, stays open late through­out the week, of­fer­ing a taste of some­thing fa­mil­iar and de­li­cious un­til 10 pm Mon­day-Sat­ur­day, and 4 pm on Sun­days. Give them a call at 020 7407 2140 if you have any queries.

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